“High Season: Newport, 1908”
By Russ Kramer
Oil on canvas, 32″ x 44″
A full moon illuminates Newport Harbor during the New York Yacht Club’s summer cruise of 1908, vessels of every description crowded together in the clubs’s favorite port-of-call. Here, guests arrive by launch at one of the grand motor yachts, which on this night is the place to be for Newport society.
Russ Kramer writes: “This is the final of three “society” paintings, joining “The Spectators” and “The Yachting Party” which were both finished in early 2007. I have a fascination with the great Gilded Age motor yachts, and those who were lucky enough to enjoy them during that extraordinary period in our history. The series was inspired by the work of James Tissot, who lived and painted high society yachting scenes around the turn of the century.”
This painting is in private collection.